Tag: lumo lift

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Lumo Lift Review Update 2015

So you are worried about your posture. Maybe you have some back pain. Maybe you have a lot of back pain! The question is, how do you grow a healthy posture and stop the pain cycle? Well folks, the Lumo Lift may be just what you are looking for. This is …

LUMO Lift – Its got our Attention!

LUMO BodyTech are well known for their first posture corrector – the LUMO Back which launched with Kickstarter support back in 2013.  Since then, the team at LumoBodyTech have not been idle. Their latest product, the LUMO Lift, is now starting to ship and we are excited to see what they’ve …

LumoBack Posture Improver

Update: (November 2014) LumoBodyTech have shifted their product line this year. Currently, they are focusing on their Lumo Lift product which contains the very latest tech both in software and hardware. Visit Lumo Lift Website. Visit our latest review of Lumo Lift The LumoBack from LumoBodyTech is a …